Special Events and Memories:
Tiny Talent World believes that creating memories — capturing the most exciting times and storing them away forever — is essential in the lives of our children. We are here to help you do just that! All you have to do is to let us know what you have in mind and we will help you organize a memorable event for any occasion, welcoming your children, family and friends into the experience. We believe that memories are priceless!
Tiny Talent World will accommodate your request according to your location and the time of the year. To be part of these amazing memories and experiences we recommend becoming a member of Tiny Talent World, since our cherished members do receive priority treatment.
Our teachers, assistant teachers and camp leaders will organize and coordinate events at Tiny Talent Word. Our camp ambassadors will aid with events such as field trips, birthday parties, Christmas parties, theatre shows, exhibition outings and Halloween gatherings… just to name a few!
Some suggestions to get you thinking…
► Birthday Parties
► Christmas Parties
► Graduation Parties
► Tiny Talent Fashion Show
► New Year’s Parties
► Halloween Parties
► Tiny Talent Storytelling Time
► Mom’s Reading Corner Night
► Yoga and Meditation event
► Tiny Talent Time Contest
► Tiny Talent Chef Parties
► Food, Body and Mind Knowledge Party for the Tiny and their Family
The possibilities are endless!
Tiny Talent World Mission Statement
At Tiny Talent World we strongly support the desire to be seen, heard and appreciated, not only within our community but in all areas of life. On a screen or in a scene, we have an ongoing process of teambuilding that will boost our artistry work and our common group interests to evolve into a cohesive, successful unit. We help our members not only share expectations for accomplishing group tasks, but trust and support one another, respecting one another’s individuality and dreams. We encourage unique ideas, treat all our members equally, and provide constructive tutoring and feedback to help our children flourish confidently.
We have the opportunity to encourage and embrace uniqueness and individuality, all whilst working toward a common objective such as creating a play, brainstorming on a book or feature, or composing a musical piece. Each member contributes equally and performs to their best ability to achieve the team goals. This, we consider to be the ultimate process of creative learning and self-discovery.